At Techies, we use Splashtop for Business and Splashtop SOS to help maintain your infrastructure and employees remotely.
For core infrastructure such as servers, we are able to gain access as needed for maintenance tasks over the internet, in a secure manner.
For assisting employees, we use the Splashtop SOS program, which is a one-time run program that can be accessed at sos.splashtop.com.
End users download the program, open it, give one of our technicians the code, and then we will connect and assist with your issue.

Engineering Team | Main Support Queue
Techies Support For Customers With Support Contracts
Tel: 01234 299019
Splashtop Instructions

Click on this link to take you to the download page or alternatively, Google search https://my.splashtop.com/sos/packages/download/LHW5JL5Z7T2Y in the web address bar at the top of the web browser page.
Run the Splashtop.exe that will appear in the bottom left of your Google Web Browser, other browsers may add it to your downloads folder. We recommend using Google Chrome whenever possible.
Once the Splashtop application has loaded, it will display a 9 digit code, please tell your support technician this code by replying to your ticket with it or calling Techies Helpdesk on 01234 299019.